Counseling Sessions
(In the words of founder and director Hari Nam Singh Khalsa):
When sitting down with an individual or a couple for the first time, it is my usual practice to engage in an in-depth discussion, taking as much time as necessary in order to bring absolute clarity to the presenting situation and an effictive strategy for moving forward. In other words, this transformative conversaton could take minutes or hours, depending on what the situation calls for.
As often as not, only one conversation is necessary to bring an in-depth understanding of the presenting challenge and an effective strategy moving forward. At the same time, many of my clients have chosen to maintain an ongoing interacton with me in order to maintain accountability and move forward in other aspects of their personal and spiritual growth.
It is my policy to charge "by donation," believing in the "honor system;" that people will give back of themselves according to their generosity and economic ability; that the value of services rendered should be determined by the recipient, not by the person doing the rendering; that my work be viewed as service and mission driven, which is in fact my heartfelt intent.
A counseling session can be held in person (assuming I am physically present in your area) or remotely by phone or internet video chat (Skype, Facetime, Facebook Messenger). To schedule a session, please submit your request on the "contact" page of this website, email me at info@spiritualcounselor.org or call me at 503-295-1191.
"I really cannot tell you adequately in words how helpful our talk was or how it prepared me for the coming battles. I came in with one perspective on life and I left with a completely different one. Thank you for this most inspiring time together. I will never forget it." -E.B.
"You have no idea how often I remember your words. You have no idea how much you changed my way of looking at things and my self-confidence. You are a great guide Hari Nam and I will never forget you." -I.A.
"I cannot thank you enough. I'm at a loss of words and you just wowed me. I have a lot to think about and a lot to do. You have given me a lot of insight and have opened my eyes and my whole being." -K.F.
"Thank you for taking the time to talk to me last evening. You helped a lot. What I was dealing with was so hard, but you perceived the problem right away. And your words encouraged me enormously. You helped me so much." -P.R.
"Hari Nam's wisdom is so crystallized. I only needed to have one counseling session with him. Without reservation, he cut right to the chase and bodly spoke the words my soul needed to hear to move beyond my own resistance. I felt a sense of liberation after our session. His straightforwardness is what I needed and his straightforwardness is thankfully what I received." -M.M.
"Many thanks for today. It was more than helpful. It was a turning point." -K.K.
"I have been very blessed to receive counseling from Hari Nam during several times of my own fear and insecurity. His advice and offerings were just what I needed to hear to keep me committed to my soul and spiritual path. His intuition and directness cut through a lot of subconscious and learned garbage for me, and left me feeling clear, elevated and courageous enough to face my fears and the unknown." -H.K.
"I was so blessed to sit in on Hari Nam's private sessions and learn how he can change someone's life for good within 30 minutes. He's extremely intuitive and sharp, no bullshit, right to the core of someone's problem that has been troubling them their whole life." -A.K.
Contact Info
+1 (503) 295-1191